Friday, June 24, 2011


Hey, it's my birthday!
Oh silap, it was my birthday 10 days ago.
Who cares anyway?
If nobody remembers, no big deal..
What did i do on my birthday?
I was at the hospital, morning till night, being a nurse, babysitting a sick sister..

2008- I don't seem to remember what happened on that day.
2009- still schooling, got birthday presents from buddies
2010- got birthday call from Perak, a loud birthday singing from housemates, slept in tears with Ku Syera
2011- hols at home, the loneliest birthday ever, but still got few wishes, and MMS from rara (my housemate, also my classmate) singing b'day song for me. :')

oh tahun ni membazirkan birthday bonus from celcom begitu sahaja,
hanya sempat bergayut dengan mek Teen tercinta pada hari last bonus habis..

oh no present for this year..


me said...

slept with tears ? i wondered whyy.. ?

btw, hepi belated 10 days besday dear :)

miss nureen said...

bedtime story telling with ku..
also, i was expecting birthday wish from someone..
huhu stupid me..
thanks sya! c;

gapo X hau said...

umur 19 adalah umur yang ideal untuk menerima hakikat bahawa tiada lagi hadiah hari jadi. ho ho

miss nureen said...

hmm sedih.... :'(