Oh this is us, the former residents of R2203
Kolej Rafflesia 2, Level 2, House no. 3
this picture was taken on the second last day before leaving UITM Puncak Alam
we were waiting for the bus to Sunway Pyramid!
i'll always remember the date, it was 18th March. special day? c;
that night, we were supposed to hold our award ceremony, called R2203 Award Ceremony!
but the plan was adjourned due to some reasons
this whole award thing came up when we were about to face the final exam.
lots of time were spent with the housemates during the study leave.
bosan menghadap buku, borak borak lah dulu..
"alamak.. dah nak habis dah asasi, lepas final exam semua dah balik."
"tu la, mesti nanti aku rindu kau yang selalu bising potpet potpet ni."
"laa yeke? aku paling bising? haha"
"ye la, tak macam aku, paling sopan kott. hihi"
"yela tu. wei apa kata kita buat undi nak? siapa paling bising, siapa paling sopan, siapa paling itu ini?"
"haa best jugak tu? lepas undi semua, kita buat majlis award kita nak?"
(dialog lebih kurang yang asal)
lepas 3 bulan tertangguh, barulah award dapat diumumkan, secara online! kui kui kui
and here they are~
(nama penerima anugerah yang lain di-censored demi menjaga maruah dan kesejahteraan masing masing. keh keh keh)
click to enlarge

oh~ nampak beno pengotornya! hihihi..

kempen mengundi hanya berlangsung buat satu malam je. ahaha..
setiap undi adalah rahsia~
hanya committee members je yang tahu..
oh mengarut sungguh penghuni R2203 ni! haishhh..

kami di kolam basah belakang bangunan FPTP
(aku tak tahu pulak kolam kering pon wujud?)

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