or specifically, girls night out~
but before that..
1st oct
- ayang went for bengkel muet
- abang went to time square
- ayang went to abang's house n got presents, pinky stuff
( ayang likes 'em so much!!)
- ayang returned to her home, ayang saw *him* at raff!
- no shower for ayang and abang that nite,
ayang and abang went out for a date
- ayang treated abang ice cream
- ayang n abang ronda2 padang kawad
- there came melly the baby
- the three of them live happily ever after

mek2 klate darak di puncok ale ^_^
luv u bebeh~
2nd Oct
- ayang went to sunway pyramid
- abang rested at home
- that night, he drenched himself in rain just for abang. auww~~~
- while ayang was asleep in the bus, ( cap boy at the back!!) :p
i tulis sini in case abang forgot to write on her wall diary in her room
oh i want to have a diary oso..hmmm...

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