On 15th July, the UPU result for Matriculation/ Asasi UiTM / PASUM leavers was announced.
My first choice (medic in UKM) got rejected, which I already knew it a day before the result was out.
I already expected that, long time ago while filling the application form.
Instead, I got offered pharmacy course in UiTM.
Though it was my 2nd choice in my UPU application,
I was really excited!
Why? Because I already fell in love with the place there, the campus, the environment. Read.
Yeah, Pharmacy! UiTM Puncak Alam again!!
That evening on the same day, the USM result was out.
Mummy and Daddy were so rejoiced to know that I got it, medicine course in India.
Mummy can't stop smiling and dreaming of visiting Kashmir again, of shopping textiles from India, of this and that..
It's a very good feeling to have your parents be thrilled in joy, because of you, right? c;
That leaves me to have 3 choices;
1. Pharmacy in UiTM
2. Medicine in USM-KLE Belgaum, Karnataka, India
3. Medicine in Uni. Hassanuddin (UNHAS), Indonesia.
Most of my friends from Asasi Sains UiTM got the place back in UiTM.
But also so many of them got courses that they didn't apply for, far away, in Sarawak!!??
And sadly, some others got no place in the IPTA, at all!
Eventhough they already fullfill the entry requirement.
Even the PASUM leavers have the same experience.
I don't know much about the UPU system,
but they say, the UPU system got problem, their applications didn't reach the UPU system.
Bravo to Daddy Vice Chancellor of UiTM, for his attention to this issue.
The UiTM Students Intake system was rechecked.
But still, there's no change..
Pity them, still sparing efforts trying to get a place.
Nothing I can do to help..
64,073 applicants had applied,
53,216 are eligible,
41,267 were successful in obtaining places.
Medicine: 983 candidates (Malays 581, Chinese 339, Indians 50 and others 13)
Pharmacy: 283 candidates (Malays 151, Chinese 125, Indians 7)
Dentistry: 174 candidates (Malays 91, Chinese 77, Indians 4 and others 2)
Source: Borneo Post Online
One word must I say, ALHAMDULILLAH!
I don't have to experience those moments, I even have 3 choices to select one.
Oh, I already rejected the offer to UNHAS minutes ago..
The plan to apply for the university was just a backup plan.
Though I'd already spent nearly RM 900 so far for UNHAS, including the interview fees, passport fee, and the Kota Bharu-Selangor commuting costs..
Last night, I did chat with a senior from SOPHYS ( society of pharmacy students).
Got lots of infos from her, which I never knew before.
And now, pharmacy sounds interesting!
Medicine or Pharmacy?
Which way do I go..

Oh why is my English getting worse..

medicine or pharmacy??
make your own choice~
psnn ikhlas dr jigsaw~ hahaa
ceh, john mati dh eh..
this the life and death choice!!
live or die..uwaa
good luck in choosing a course!
make us proud! ^_^
buatlah solat istikharah..moga Allah tunjukkan yang terbaik~~
btw, medic pon best gak~ hehe
@gapo X hau: ijak tlg pilih? hehe
@Ahmad Taufiq: dua2 best.. tp have to choose one only maa..
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