oh it's been raining since last night,
and i am so freezing cold.
my nails are turning pink which are quite cute
except with the kunyit2 colour di celah2. huh
i'm not spending my whole sem break to be a fine good cook for every single day, am i?
i prepare the dishes and i wash the dishes
oh this is so unfair
i've never had the talent to cook, and i dont feel like to have one. hehe
goreng ayam, sup sayur, and budu! enough!
makan la ko! dont complaint!
MUAHAHA (gaya orang malas)
siap la sasa..nanti ko habis exam..it'll be your turn!!
oh my CS project, dah complete!
it's called cross stitching
sesaje buat time free2, so bored maaa!!
and i dont have any idea what to do with that
pikachu n jiglypuff^^
by the way, the colors are not right
benang pink tak berapa nak ada. aihh
oh currently, i've been haunted by taylor swift!
habis semua lagu aku gomo..hua3 dahsyat!
best woo karaoke!
found this! best lak mamat nih..kui3
oh nak main gitar!! uwaaaa...
eeeeeen comei nyooo! jeles ak..
wat r namo ak sbutir. wi katku nati..hehe btw mg dk dumoh ag ko?
hehe testing2 skill jah ni..
kalu buleh nge muko2 mg skali eh ak nk wat. hihi
kaen gotu nk cri mno wes? haks
om duk dumos lg sapa 19 hb..
hahaha bagus. nati tera wak muko ak deh. :P
cari di keda bare2 pengantin ado.
keda bare jahit..cinta mesti ado..
wooh nk wat muko mg make mso 14 thun bru siap. hua3
lamo giler dop g kb..
tubek nge sepni tu bru ak g kb spjg sbule ak kelik qlate. ha3
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